
Just collecting the hotkeys, shortcuts, and commands that I use frequently (and some I use infrequently but often have to go looking for).


General Use

  • Win + L: Lock computer (very useful)
  • Win + X: Quick link window (links to a bunch of administrative tools)
  • Win + X, U: Shutdown menu, follow with a U for shutdown, R for restart, and I for sign out
  • Win + Shift + S: Snipping tool (not the program, select an area of the screen to copy to clipboard as an image)
  • Win + Shift + [Right|Left Arrow]: Move focused window to next monitor
  • Win + [1-9]: Select window on taskbar, open pinned application if closed
  • Win + E: Open Windows Explorer
    Bonus: Win + Spacebar: Switches through keyboard layout, lets you escape the French Canadian keyboard mode.

Administrative Stuff

  • Win + X, I: Powershell
  • Win + X, A: Powershell (Admin)
  • Win + X, G: Computer Management (Task scheduler, event viewer, local users, performance, device manager, disk management)
  • Win + I: Settings menu



Ctl + Alt + T: Open Chrome developer terminal
Crtl + Alt + Shift + [Forward|Backward]: Shift back and forth between ChromeOS and graphical chroot




  • esc: Exit insert/append mode and enter command mode
  • i: enter insert mode; insert text before cursor
  • shift + i: enter insert mode; insert text at start of line
  • a: enter append mode; append text after cursor
  • shift + a: enter append mode; append text to end of line

Command Mode

  • dd: delete this line
  • d10000d: fuck this entire file (as long as file is under 10,000 lines)
  • yy: cut (yank) this line
  • pp: put buffer here (paste copied line)
  • :read ~/secretkey: copy the contents of ~/secretkey to the current line
  • ^: place cursor at start of line (start from the top)
  • $: place cursor at end of line (collect money at end)
  • /word: find next word; can find broadsword or password
  • ?word: find previous word; can find broadsword or password
  • /\<word\> find next complete instance of word; does not find swords or password
  • ?\<word\> find previous complete instance of word; does not find swords or password
  • :q: quit
  • :q!: I SAID GOOD DAY, SIR. (Quit, but shouting and bypasses save prompts)
  • :w: write to file (save)
  • :wq: Write and quit



Getting git set up initially:

sudo apt install git
git config --global "Name"
git config --global
git config --global core.editor vim
git config --global credential.helper cache
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'

The credential.helper configurations are so that you don't have to re-enter your password repeatedly when cloning over HTTPS.

  • git config --list: this will list the current configuration settings git has.

Support the Author

Devon Taylor (They/Them) is a Canadian network architect, security consultant, and blogger. They have experience developing secure network and active directory implementations in low-budget and low-personnel environments. Their blog offers a unique and detailed perspective on security and game design, and they tweet about technology, security, games, and social issues. You can support their work via Patreon (USD), or directly via ko-fi.